The CDS Group were approached by a Local Authority who were looking to extend an existing cemetery site into an adjacent plot of disused land. The council however had concerns relating the former uses of the land and the presence of demolition rubble from former buildings and the presence of fly tipped materials.
We undertook a Phase I Desk Study Assessment to highlight the former uses of the land and to locate the footprints of former buildings. Once completed, a detailed site investigation proposal was put forward to the client, targeting the potential contaminative risks on the subject site. The conceptual model highlighted that on site sources of contamination comprised asbestos containing materials and heavy metals from fly tipped materials and demolition rubble, and the potential presence of hydrocarbon impacted soils associated with former tanks which were situated on site. In addition, we also highlighted potential issues associated with invasive species such as Japanese Knotweed. The presence of onsite contamination was considered to pose a significant risk to human health, mainly associated with grave diggers and council workers as well as mourners visiting loved ones.
The CDS Group were commissioned by our client to undertake a detailed Phase II site investigation, using both windowless sampling techniques and trial pitting. The works were carried out in a controlled manner, ensuring that the risks associated with potential sources of onsite contamination were managed on site. Samples of suspected asbestos containing materials from fly tipped stockpiles and demolition rubble were taken for analysis, as well as samples of made ground, topsoil and natural soils to assess the extent and volume of contamination on site.
The results of the contamination testing highlighted the presence of elevated heavy metals and PAH’s as well as chrysotile asbestos cement fragments. Loose fibres of chrysotile asbestos were found to be spread across the site in the made ground and the shallow natural soils.
The CDS Group made recommendations for further investigation works and provided our client with a preliminary remediation appraisal to assess the best and most cost effective way to remediate the site, with a view on the future end use as a cemetery extension.
Due to the extent of the contamination and the costs involved with the remedial works required, the client decided the parcel of land was not viable to develop. Whilst the outcome of the investigation did not lead to any development, the quick and cost effective nature of our works enabled the council to make an early stage decision relating to the parcel of land without incurring significant costs.