Sports Pitch Design

The CDS Group were approached by a Local Authority Council, to evaluate the condition of an existing playing field with a view to enhancing the amenity value of the plot of land following development of a housing estate in close proximity to the site.

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The playing fields were currently underused and in poor condition, with uneven ground, waterlogged areas and general poor surface condition.

The first stage of our design was an assessment comprising a site visit to assess the conditions onsite, inspection of existing drainage infrastructure, if encountered, and to assess any other factors such as soil conditions and off site sources of water, which maybe impacting on the quality of the sports pitch.

The site visit highlighted several key factors which were found to contribute to the poor conditions:

  • The soils beneath the topsoil were found to be clay dominated and were poorly drained.
  • Formation of waterlogged areas due to uneven ground surfaces
  • Loss of natural drainage pathways due to recent building works

After the initial site inspection and assessment of the factors which were contributing to the poor conditions on site, we were able to design an enhance mixed use amenity area along with a drainage strategy to alleviate the surface water problems encountered on site.

The design included:

  • Layout and drainage design for a traditional natural turf sport area
  • Layout and drainage design for a type1 Muga play area
  • Layout and drainage design for a children’s play area
  • Improvement of surface drainage by decompaction of playing field areas and improvement of playing fields by infilling depressions and reseeding where required.
  • Improvement and enhancement of existing pond area to increase biodiversity and improve storage capacity.

On completion of the detailed designs and drainage report, we provided our client with detailed drainage drawings and tender specification documents in order to go to market for competitively priced tender submissions.